Mexico in favor: 3 out of 4 citizens approve of castration of rapists

7.5 percent of respondents said they were against such punishment

Resultado de imagen de castration for rapist images

This Monday, the results of the Mexico Choose survey were announced, in which 3 out of 4 citizens said they were in favor of chemical castration as a punishment for rapists.

In an interview with Ciro Gómez Leyva on Radio Formula, the director of Mexico Choose, Sergio Zaragoza, explained that 74.2 percent of people are in favor of such punishment.

18.3 percent said they were undecided on the question, and only 7.5 percent said they were against it.

Also, 19 percent said that “the artist can express himself as desired” and, only 9.3 percent stressed that ” he sees no problem .”

Source: mexico elige, radioformula

The Mazatlan Post