Urgent need to activate cannabis and hemp industries in Mexico to create employment


Reactivation of Mexico’s economy. 

With good legislation, it will generate 150 thousand jobs and give certainty to investors returns says Canopy Growth.

Mexico can take advantage of the moment to develop adequate regulation of the cannabis and hemp industry, in this way it will receive revenues of more than 6 billion dollars and thus face the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, specialists in the first said. virtual conversation organized by the Mexican Council of Cannabis and Hemp.

“This discussion is the first step to propose solutions to diversify income sources in an environment that, now and to say the least, is very vulnerable economically. Inaction and omission in urgent times is not only indolence but also complicity, “said the president of the Mexican Council of Cannabis and Hemp, Eda Martínez.

After the initiative to regulate the use of cannabis from a medical, recreational and industrial perspective in Mexico passed the first test, and it was approved to send the opinion to the full Senate for debate and vote this April 30, the contingency of COVID-19 forced a modification, so now it will be until the ordinary period of sessions (from September to December) when it is decided.

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In the discussion titled Mexico after COVID-19, the regulation of cannabis and hemp in the process of economic recovery in the country, the possibilities of development of this industry in Mexico were discussed.

During his participation, the president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), Francisco Cervantes Díaz, and the general secretary of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur México), Enrique Octavio García Méndez, agreed that after the pandemic, the business and industrial sector of Mexico will face a new normality in which production processes will be modified and everyone’s responsibility will be vital to achieving economic growth again.

According to what was discussed during the forum, Mexico has great potential for the development of the cannabis and hemp industry, thanks to its geographical, climatic, agricultural and social advantages, which favor both the domestic consumption market and the production, distribution, and marketing of the plant and its derivatives.

The prosecutor specialized in the Mexican economy, Rafael Alberto Castellot Rafful, stressed that the generation of new jobs will be around 150 thousand, while income calculated between 4 and 6 billion dollars for Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of Government Affairs of Canopy Growth for Latin America, Wanderley Mariz, mentioned that the figure will reach up to 8 billion dollars, as long as the market conditions are favorable and it is legislated adequately and clearly.

Outsourcing will generate jobs

With outsourcing, you can quickly create many jobs in the automotive, construction, aerospace, mining, e-commerce, digitization, and smart technologies sectors, according to TallentiaMX, an association that brings together responsible companies and outsourcing professionals.

Already started in other nations

Elías Micha, CEO of TallentiaMX, assured that the health authorities are required to fully control the pandemic so as not to expose workers and consumers to contagions or deaths, but “the outsourcing machine is already starting up in the United States, Canada, and Europe with good forecasts for the reactivation of employment, and in Mexico, we cannot and should not waste time ”.

Source: milenio.com, vanguardia.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post