4 million files of foreigners living in Mexico will be digitized



The head of Segob pointed out that the technology will help the procedures to be completed in a maximum of 40 minutes

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The National Institute of Migration launched the New System of Immigration Procedures in order to digitize all the documents of the 4 million foreigners living in the country to form the National Immigration Registry.

During the visit of the Ministry of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero to the National Institute of Migration assured that the modernization of INAMI is a paradigmatic change when going from the paperwork of long lines to carry out a procedure to the technology that will help the procedures are completed in a maximum of 40 minutes.

He added that, in past administrations, INAMI was a disorder in the care and administration in one of the institutions of the Mexican state that is the first contact of the foreign population with the country, because being the first door of the country, it was necessary to attend to it, for being the image of Mexico abroad.

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“This is a before and after, it is a paradigmatic change, there is no doubt that the before was a poorly attended procedure, people made long queues as we were seeing, on many occasions they did not have a clear regulation, the attention that was given as Your collaborator has just shown us, some even asked for the baptismal certificate and I’m not exaggerating, it was just as it is, some others asked for 10 copies and others 5 and the truth of things to say at least a disorder in the attention and administration “.

He said that we are entering the era, where paper is being left behind to make way for the technology that has already reached us, proof of this is in the pandemic where technology helped to have contact with loved ones. 

“Without a doubt, in the pandemic, we have realized that, in technology, we can keep in touch and we can obtain great advantages from technology.”  

For his part, the INAMI Commissioner, Francisco Garduño Yánez emphasized that 4 million people who are carrying out various procedures to regulate their legal situation in the country will be served.

He said that in 60 days the program of digitization of the files has started 20 days and it is expected that, in a maximum of 60 days, they will begin to have greater results in the procedures of foreigners in Mexico.

INAMI managed to collect 63 thousand boxes with 3 million 51 thousand files throughout the country to classify and deliver them to the General Archive of the Nation and it is expected that in the coming months 4 million 607 files will be recovered in 94 thousand 185 boxes that must be digitized.

“The era of paper is ending and the era of digitization is beginning, the files to be online throughout the country are over. This program has been being tested for 20 days.”

Currently, in Mexico, there are 557,888 foreigners with valid immigration documents: Mexico City is the city where more foreigners reside with 133,908, followed by Chiapas with 72,000; Jalisco with 44,960, Quintana Roo with 40,842; Baja California 31,665; the State of Mexico with 23,399; Nuevo León with 23,233; Guanajuato 18.939; Baja California Sur 15,289 and Querétaro with 72,993 foreigners

A la hora de rentar, los prejuicios mandan

During the winter the number of foreigners increase from northern countries

Source: excelsior.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post