AMLO promises a healthcare system in Mexico such as in Denmark, Sweden, or Canada


“It is social security from the cradle to the grave, from birth to death.”

During his morning press conference, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrado r referred to the health system in the country, stating that medical services and medicines will be free for the entire population in 3 years.

“And we are going to have a health service the same as that of the Nordic countries, the same as Denmark, Sweden, the same as Canada, that is my commitment.” he added.I cannot do it overnight, it will involve improving the 20 thousand first-level rural medical units, it will imply that all the second-level health services, hospital care, and it will involve specialized medicine and that there is no shortage of medicines, and that not even the word basic box be used again.

In his journalistic column, Sergio Sarmiento criticized the president’s statements, indicating that it was he himself who eliminated the Popular Insurance, leaving millions of low-income Mexicans suffering from many diseases, including cancer, without attention.

“The resources were transferred to the Institute of Health for Wellbeing, the Insabi, but it was said that the poor would not lose anything.”

Recently, the official majority in the Chamber of Deputies approved taking 33 billion pesos from this fund to deliver them to the federal government and with it buy vaccines for Covid.

Despite this, the president was pleased to say that this initiative “is social security from the cradle to the grave, from birth to death.”

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Mexico Daily Post