Cuauhtémoc Blanco and 7 former Morelos officials investigated for embezzlement

So far, 6 criminal complaints and 4 administrative complaints have been filed.

Due to an impact of more than 40 million pesos, detected in several central administration secretariats and parastatal areas, several officials of the Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo administration as governor of Morelos will be reported to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

After pointing out that it is not a persecution, but rather to meet the demands of Morelos society, the Legal Counsel, Edgar Antonio Maldonado Ceballos, reported that the heads of each of the areas will go to the Public Ministry to file the corresponding complaints.

Which ministries of Morelos have irregularities?

For her part, the head of the Comptroller’s Office, Alejandra Pani Barragán, reported that the irregularities detected in the central administration involve the following ministries:

Head of the Governor’s Office.
Administration, Welfare, Security, Agricultural Development, and Sustainable Development.
In the parastatal area, there are the Health Services and the State Water Commission.
The National College of Professional Education CONALEP Morelos.
Tourism Trusts, the Tequesquitengo Lake Trust, and the Business Development and Investment Promotion Fund Trust.

The officials detailed that so far 6 complaints have been filed through criminal means and 4 through administrative means, but they clarified that this is a first block that is not limiting and that once the exhaustive study is finished, it will be determined whether an appeal will be made to the ministerial or administrative authorities.

Edgar Maldonado revealed that the biggest damage detected so far is 19 million pesos for the hiring of artists by the Secretariat of Sustainable Development and the Tequesquitengo Lake Trust.

Although it was not mentioned during the press conference in October 2022, several musical bands were hired to perform on the communal beaches of Tequesquitengo Lake, among others, “Los Cadetes de Linares”, the bands “Invicta” and “Luz Roja”, several DJs and rock groups participated.

What other public officials are being investigated for misappropriation of resources in Morelos?

Regarding the alleged irregular acquisition of land in the Tequesquitengo Lake area, the Legal Counsel indicated that it is not part of this package of complaints; However, she called on the former officials involved to immediately reverse the action and return the land to the state before the files are formalized before the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.

So far, they have accepted the acquisition of several properties through the Institute of Credit to the Service of Workers of the State Government.

The former Secretary of Finance, Monica Boggio Tomazas Merino.
Her husband, cousin of the former state governor, Edgar Riou.
The former head of Administration and current federal deputy, Sandra Anaya Villegas.
Gerardo Becerra Chávez Hita, who served as an advisor on anti-corruption matters with Cuauhtemoc Blanco Bravo.

Governor Margarita González Saravia publicly instructed the Legal Counsel and the head of the Comptroller’s Office to advance this investigation and proceed according to law. So far, it has not been indicated whether former president Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, who today enjoys federal immunity as he holds a federal seat in the Congress of the Union, will be denounced in any of the files.

However, this seems to be only the tip of the iceberg, as journalist Hector de Mauleon maintains that former governor Cuauhtemoc Blanco Bravo sent 720 million pesos to a bank in Switzerland and that Andrés Manuel López Obrador was aware of this situation, but stopped the investigation, exonerated Blanco and then made him Morena’s candidate for deputy, which would point to him as an accomplice.

Sources: El Financiero / El Universal

Morelos Daily Post