Revocation of license for the construction of Costa Azul in Los Cabos


Given the insistence of the work located on the side of the Costa Azul stream for the construction work and despite the closure and suspension stamps, today February 18, the Building Body tomorrow in a regular session of the Cabildo will discuss a point of agreement with which the construction license for the work in question can be revoked.

In past statements, the Municipal Trustee stated that if the developer insisted with the construction as it has done so far, however, the closure and suspension seals by Conagua and Civil Protection, he could appeal to the Public Ministry to proceed accordingly.

It is worth mentioning that despite the installation of new seals, today it was possible to observe the machines working on the work, therefore, the Coordinating Council of Los Cabos, as well as the Association of Hotels of Los Cabos made an energetic call to Cabildo to put the tourist development in order and with certainty and they called on the authority not to be ignorant in the face of this irregularity that is in full view of all.


The Cabo Post